
Find Synonyms of Words using Java

Avoid the repetition of the same word; use Synonyms (two different words that mean the same). What if you need to find all such synonyms of any word programmatically? This article guides you on how to find out all the synonyms of any word using Java. Similarly, a single word could have multiple meanings. We will see how the synonyms can be grouped according to different meanings of that same word.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

Convert CSV to XML in C#

CSV and XML are among the most popular file formats used by developers. These formats are normally used to store and exchange data within and between applications. It is often required to convert one format into another before storing or transmitting the information. In this article, you will find how to programmatically convert the CSV (comma-separated values) file into XML format using C#.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

Redact PDF Scanned Documents in C#

We often need to hide the confidential and sensitive information within the documents. In other articles, we have discussed the different strategies to search words and even search synonyms within multiple documents. This article guides you about how to redact PDF text and text in images within a document using C#.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

View Word Documents as Responsive HTML Page using Java

Responsive HTML web pages are the ones that look good on different devices by adjusting themselves according to the different screen sizes. This article will guide you about how to programmatically convert word documents as responsive HTML pages within the Java applications using GroupDocs.Viewer.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

Search Synonyms in Multiple Files using C#

In an other article we have seen that what are synonyms, and how to get all the synonyms of any word. What about find these synonyms with in different documents. This article will guide you about how to search the synonyms of any specific query (word) in multiple files using C#.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

Find Synonyms of Words using C#

A synonym is a word that exactly or nearly means the same as another word. We normally use synonyms to avoid using the same word repeatedly. As a developer, you may need to find out all words with the same meaning for your search purpose or document analysis. This article will guide you about how to find out all the synonyms of any specific word in C# using .NET API. Additionally, you can also get different groups of these synonyms that are arranged according to the different meanings of that same word.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min

Convert JSON to XML in C#

JSON and XML, both are the well known structured formats that are vastly used by developers to transmit data. There are many requirement where as a programmer, we need the conversion between JSON and XML data formats. In this article, you will learn how to convert JSON data into XML format using C#.
· Shoaib Khan · 2 min

Extract ZIP Files Data in Java

ZIP Archives are one of the most popular and commonly used compressed file formats. The main reason for using ZIP files is to reduce the total file size and to send multiple files as a single archive. As a developer, you can extract the text, images, and even metadata from the files that are compressed within ZIP archives. In this article, we will discuss how to extract the ZIP archives data in Java.
· Shoaib Khan · 4 min

Generate Reports from XML Data in C#

XML is a W3C Recommended, self-descriptive language that is designed to store and transport data. A developer can change the XML format into any other better human-readable format like PDF or MS Word document within the .NET application. This article will discuss how to convert XML data into PDF and MS Word reports using C# using simple templates.
· Shoaib Khan · 4 min

View Word Documents as HTML Responsive Page using C#

HTML Responsive web pages are meant to look good on different devices. These pages automatically adjust according to different screen sizes. This article will guide you to automate the conversion and view your Word documents as responsive HTML pages within your .NET applications using C#.
· Shoaib Khan · 3 min